Roles and Responsibilities...

Students, parents, and teacher all have equally important roles and responsibilities. 

Student’s Role

  • Maintain a “coachable” attitude regarding your lessons.
  • Maintain your playlist as directed by your teacher.
  • Follow through at home with what was learnt in the lesson. 

  • Bring all relevant materials (books and playlist) to class each week.

  • Practice 15–20 minutes per day, 5–6 days per week. After the first year, this typically increases to 30-35 minutes per day.

Parent’s Role

The Parents play a critical role. They are their children’s ‘Life Coaches’ by supporting and encouraging the child’s progress during lessons (“coaching sessions”) and in the time between lessons (the “real learning” environment).

  • Actively participate in the lesson and discussions.
  • Provide an environment at home conducive to successful practice/playing.

  • Ensure that all assignments are completed and that the playlist is checked off during practice. It is not necessary to actively engage in every practice session, however you should be available to offer help and support, particularly when using the student home materials. 

  • Read all studio communications for important studio-related information.

  • Utilize your online student account to access your student home materials. 

  • Familiarize yourself with the guidelines in the studio policies.

  • Maintain a consistent practice schedule at home.

Teacher’s Role

The teacher is your 'Method Coach' and is responsible for imparting the concepts and skills during class necessary for students to do the processing and learning at home that week.

Your teacher will:

  • Provide instruction appropriate for the level of the class.
  • Be prepared for and ready to begin each class on time.
  • Be enthusiastic and patient during lessons.
  • Maintain open communication with students and parents.
  • Offer opportunities for students to share their musical talent.